Surviving The Empty Nest

Welcome Empty Nester!

For many of us, this is a bittersweet moment. Wasn't it just yesterday that you were dropping your child off to school with their backpack and lunch and now, you are dropping them child off to college. You longed for this day to come, yet you feel sad that it is here. Weird but, OK. You wake up one day and realize that you are now an empty-nester? You walk around the house and it's quiet. In a blink of an eye, there are no more school activities, rushing home to cook dinner or chauffeur duties that left no time for you.

You survived your child's senior year of high school (we will discuss a Mother's Guide to Survive Your Child's Senior Year later). The college process is now over and your child's new address, keys to their dorm room and their success is now in their hands.

The question now is...what does this mean for me? The house is clean, the laundry is done and you walk aimlessly around the grocery store because you don't know what to buy. For many of us, myself included, it's a mysterious time with no real information or other Mom's who shared their truth about this interesting phase of life and the new opportunity to reinvent yourself and your life.

I'm going to briefly share 5 steps that helped me transition into a new life as an empty-nester. I have a few more tips, so be sure you are on my email list for my Masterclass to discuss this in depth @

LaChelle Parker