Discover Strategy To Life's Challenges Through Fragrance

Did you know scents trigger our memory, learning and emotions? Mind-blowing, I know!

The anatomy of the brain and nose are connect through sensory receptors that transport smell information to a region in our brain that is associated to our learning and memory.

Scent is the strongest of our five senses that when properly combined, create therapeutic properties and help capture new ideas, evoke clarity, and arouse relaxation and strategy.

In my work and journey as a Lifestyle Strategist and just the everyday woman, I discovered many of my finest ideas and resolutions to life challenges were consistently enhanced by the practice of lighting a beautifully scented candle. This also included my favorite space, a beautiful journal, IPad and my much-loved pajamas for ambience.

 These elements created a sensory experience to allow my thought process of working through the areas of my life of conflict (relationships, finances, career and entrepreneurship, etc.) and aid me in developing dynamic strategy with concise execution.

This is the secret and life hack most miss when one is thinking, problem solving for solutions of the ultimate freedom and luxury of home, life, and work.

This is how we created The Formula™ and The Formula Candle Co. ™. Both brands are designed to create an elevated experience of fragrance and strategy to construct the power of you and design a life you desire and deserve.