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I wish I had been given a book like this when I was younger--a compass guide full of tips, secrets, and blueprints for every life experience.  Instead I was left to my own devices, hitting roughly 1,217,000 speed bumps (probably more than that, but I stopped counting), speeding through a thousand red lights (before red light cameras), and making many sharp U-turns (while horns blared around me) in an attempt to design and navigate the many obstacle courses on this highway called LIFE. 


This pocket guidebook is a direct result of my—along with many who shall remain nameless--arriving at our destinations, still intact. The Formula is a compilation of equations I have discovered magnificently through various victories, setbacks, smarts, rebounds, and comedies of error. Add the equations together, and you have the Formula.




The Formula to Reading this Guidebook:

I have read many self-help and inspirational books throughout my life. Often while reading these books, I have envisioned the authors pointing their fingers and shaking their heads at me about the many decisions I’d made that were completely opposite from the lessons taught in their books.  

I do not want you to have that experience while reading The Formula.

This is a non-judging, zero-negative feeling zone—and this includes your own judgment of yourself. 

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Women Empower Expo (WEX) is an one-day event taking place in select cities across North America. The WEX experience is filled with workshops, panels, breakout sessions, a pitch competition, networking lounge, woman-owned marketplace, author book signing, mindset stage and much more.